The shift every leader needs
Leadership is more than decision-making and strategy—it’s a continuous process of adaptation and growth. In SHIFTS: 6 Steps to Transform Your Mindset and Elevate Your Leadership, leaders are challenged to rethink how they approach transformation, within both themselves and their organizations.
What leaders must know about EQ in 2025
Beneath the constant drumbeat of digital transformation and economic pressures, a quieter but more fundamental challenge faces today’s leaders: the human element. Emotional intelligence—the ability to recognize, understand and manage your emotions and those of others—has emerged as a crucial differentiator for successful leadership.
How to show your team you truly care
Every workspace harbors signs of how valued employees feel, from outdated equipment gathering dust to inefficient processes that waste precious time. While online sources vary on the exact date of Companies That Care Day, we propose embracing this celebration throughout the week of March 17. After all, shouldn’t showing appreciation be more than a single-day event?
Breaking the ice with time-tested activities
The conference room falls silent. Twenty pairs of eyes dart nervously around as another corporate icebreaker session begins. But what if team-building activities could be more than just awkward moments of forced interaction?
Assemble your personal board of directors
Chaos can be calmed, if you are ready
The mechanical view of organizations is incomplete
How to effectively divvy up work within your team
Unlocking the power of decisive leadership
Creating Excellence by Bentley Nettles
5 unconventional rules for modern business success
Today's Leadership Tip
Each year that the digital lifestyle engulfs us all, the power of a simple handwritten note grows. Just as getting a real greeting card in the mail dwarfs even the snazziest animated e-card, handing off a note of thanks, encouragement or motivation written in your own hand is a gesture that gets noticed and remembered. If your staff doesn't know your lettering by sight, it might mean your communications with them could use a personal touch.
Q. I’m in the process of gaining U.S. citizenship. When I applied for a job recently, the employer asked me to produce documents proving I was legally able to work. I provided my driver’s license and Social Security card, but then he asked for a “green card,” which I do not have. Is this legal?
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